Viddler has launched! Go check it out now and set up a profile. It’s a new video sharing web site with a lot of cool features. We played a part in making it happen, along with a great team spread around the world.

viddlerAndrew Smith is the lead designer on the project. I handled site planning and blueprinting. Robert Sandie and Donna DeMarco are the founders of Viddler, and organized the project (Pennsylvania), and Kasper Cecek and Lukasz Hankus did all of the Java and Flash development (Poland).


Major kudos to Andrew for his work on this project. From the design of the logo to the overall site design and front end CSS and markup, as well as a large portion of the ideas behind this project, Andrew really made it happen.


  1. Upload lots of videos at once, and videos up to 500 MB in size
  2. Tag your videos with timed tags, and link to that moment
  3. Comment on a specific portion of the video
  4. Share videos with everyone, or only with specific friends you select, or keep video private

The time tags is the coolest feature. You can hover over the little dots in the video timeline to see what people have said about your video. You can also share a video and send people a link to a specific moment in the video.

A few more screenshots:

The Dashboard which is your homepage once you have logged in successfully.

Your Videos panel lets you see how many times your videos have been viewed, and see whether they are public, private, or shared.

The Explore panel is visible to logged in and logged out visitors.

There you have it! It’s a great new video sharing site, with unique time tags. Be sure to add us as your friends. Our usernames are Chris, Kent, and Andrew.